Aug 27Liked by Gary Davis

I'm hopeful that a year on the Practice Squad and another full off-season will get Rees ⚡️ Lightning the runway he needs to make his swap work. He's such a great story, and I'd LOVE to be able to brag about him working to my non-Chiefs-Fan coworkers (isn't that what all their success is REALLY for? So I can vicariously brag?) I'm so excited for REAL FOOTBALL!!!

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I couldn’t have said it better! Not only is he a fantastic story (hopefully he continues to be one!), but he’s so marketable and can only help the Chiefs further expand their international fan base. I see nothing but positives for the Chiefs and Chiefs Kingdom.

And, yes, vicarious bragging is pretty sweet! I mostly use the “vicarious humblebrag” at the moment. I’ve got a lot of friends and family who root for other teams and I try not to rub it in too much. I’m nice that way.

Real Football will be here soon! Until then, I’ll have to keep myself busy by writing more Chiefs Chronicles and worrying about my loaded fantasy football team. I smell an incoming crossover…

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