You make a good point about the NFL actively campaigning against their own fans. Thankfully, it's easier up here in Canada, as there are no local teams and therefore no local blackouts. American streaming services are also different than Canadian ones (despite having the same names), so we don't have to deal with their exclusivity deals. Funnily enough, upon reading this article I went and checked my Canadian NFL Game Pass, and I can watch the whole Chiefs and Jags uninterrupted just fine. I'm only being slightly facetious when I suggest perhaps a Canadian VPN would be a good investment for NFL fans out there. This is an instance I'm very grateful not to be American.

I think they just think nobody (except us nerds) cares about the preseason, and so they don't care to fix the bad broadcasts or the bad broadcast teams. Is it shameful? Yes. Do they care about being shameful in the preseason? Not really.

I wonder what the NFL will do if their fans go UFC and heavily start flocking to the illegal methods of watching the games. The UFC hasn't really cared. Perhaps they haven't had enough influence to make any impact even if they did. The NFL is a big enough entity to have influence with the American government. Football games have been easy enough to watch for so long that it's never been an issue before, but if they continue to make them harder to see, it might become one.

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Good read!

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Thank you! All compliments are gratefully accepted.

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I’m not sure it’s an active campaign against the fans. I think it’s more an attempt to make the most money as efficiently as possible. We don’t even enter the equation unless profits drop. Honestly, that doesn’t bother me, as long as I can watch all the games I want to watch. I just think it would be nice if they made it a little easier for fans.

To your point about watching from Canada being easier, there’s an account that I follow on Instagram (@arrowheadaddictpod) run by an Australian fellow, and he said the same thing. He jokingly said it might be cheaper/easier to move to Australia during the season.😂

Even I am finding my taste for the preseason waning. Too tired, I guess. That’s why awful announcers make me grumpy.

Trust me on this: if a lot of people started watching the NFL illegally, the NFL would hunt them like Tommy Lee Jones hunted Harrison Ford in The Fugitive. I try to put any NFL YouTube videos in Chiefs Chronicles and they are automatically blocked. They have a powerful organizational apparatus specifically created to deal with thieves of all kinds. Probably headed-up by a crazed linebacker from the days when they were allowed and even encouraged to seriously injure opponents.

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